Outpatient Clinics: Monday evenings and Thursday afternoons

Mon - Thurs
6.45am - 8pm
7am - 6pm
9am - 2pm
Areas of Practice
The services provided and advertised on this website are for elective cases only and should NOT be used if you need urgent or life-threatening medical attention.

Varicose Veins
Clinical assessment & Doppler/ Duplex Ultrasound​
Radiofrequency Ablation (day case)​
Foam Sclerotherapy (outpatient)​
Inversion PIN Stripping Surgery (day case)

Leg Ulcers
Assessment, Investigation and Treatment of Venous Leg Ulcers​
Assessment & Advice for Other Leg Ulcers

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Clinical assessment
Arrange for investigations including Venous Duplex Scan
Advice on anticoagulant treatment

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)
I no longer undertake Arterial Surgery (including AAA repair), but happy to see for advice

Carotid Artery Disease
I no longer undertake Carotid Surgery, but happy to see non urgent cases for advice

Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)
I no longer undertake Arterial Surgery, but happy to see non urgent cases for advice
Clinical assessment & Doppler test​
Advice on treatments and lifestyle modifications​

Hernia Repair
Clinical assessment & advice
Groin Hernia Repair (day case)
​​Abdominal Wall Hernia Repair (day case in most cases)

Gall Bladder Disease
I no longer see patients with gallbladder disease

Lumps & Bumps
Assessment & advice regarding nature of lump​
Proceed with excision if considered appropriate (day case in most cases)
About Mr. Abu-Own

Mr A. Abu-Own
Consultant General & Vascular Surgeon
Mr Abdusalam Abu-Own (MBChB, FRCS, PhD, CCST) is a Consultant General and Vascular Surgeon at the Nuffield Health Hospital Ipswich.
He is a council member, of the Venous Forum of the Royal Society of Medicine and a referee for the British Journal of Surgery & International Journal of Surgery. He has helped develop guidelines and protocols used in ESNEFT and Nuffield Health Ipswich and is the responsible officer for several of these guidelines related to thrombosis and venous disease. He is a faculty member of ICENI and course leader for the Basic Surgical Skills (BSS) course at the ICENI Centre - a course for surgical trainees held by the Royal College of Surgeons in different parts of the country.
Mr Abu-Own has an established background in research and has authored 50+ publications between peer-reviewed papers, book chapters and published abstracts. Many of these have been presented to societies at national and international level.
Why Choose Us?
What are the benefits of getting treatment with Mr Abu-Own at Nuffield Health Ipswich Hospital?

Rapid access to the best private healthcare

Highly trained, experienced consultant surgeon

Full cover for insured patients

Greater peace of mind for self-funding patients